Life Comes First Podcast
Life Comes First Podcast
Episode 7 - Being a Performer, Battling Through Bullying and OCD & Developing a Unique Career Path with James Padley
In this episode, James Padley (Pads) jumps on the podcast to have a chat about his very interesting life to date. We begin the very touching and insightful conversation by chatting through the values that Pads holds dear in his life and how they were derived from his younger years. The conversation then shifts to a more serious note when Pads discusses his experiences with quite severe bullying in his early high school years and how he developed OCD on the back of this. Pads gives insight into what OCD is really like, detailing how it can arise as well as what coping strategies can work for the condition. We then continue through his career path by chatting through his university experiences, life at Elevate Education and current role in radio. We round out the episode by touching on the importance of rejection, how regrets can be a good thing and how being kind is the solution to live in a happy community. It was an absolute privilege to have Pads on the podcast! I hope you enjoy the episode!
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